A Magnum Opus Epic
In English, Hindi & Gujarati
It's not a Creation, It's a Projection through Expression
A Re-launch of Upanishads by Rebooting Modern Science
An ultimate complete theory of our existence. The epic saga read by many legends of the world including Prof. Stephen Hawking and Dr. G. Madhavan Nair (Former ISRO Chairman). A story from the beginning of Multiverse to the Projection of Human race and from Salvation of Human race to the end of Multiverse’s circle of existence. The greatest try ever done in humanity to merge two poles of our seeking; science and spirituality. Read it in three languages (English, Hindi & Gujarati), Two Editions (First and second edition in English, other translations are of second edition of the English book) and two formats (Utltimate edition and Brief philosophical edition). Choose according to your convenience and get the final scientific answer to the most unanswered question on the planet, ‘Why we are here on this earth?’