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July 29 / 2018 / Re-launched On Facebook on same date 2020 / Subject : The Indian Religion

Mutual renunciation of Rama and Sita

Greatest Decision of Indian History
“What is truth?” “What is righteousness?” – In response to these questions, I always repeat one thing, “Being good is not righteousness, being right is righteousness.” Being good is not the goal, being right is the goal.” Difficult choices are never between right and wrong. They are always between good and right. Those who have known the truth, always try to be right. Those who have known the truth and religion only through the sermons of the religious leaders, always try to remain good. Should Bhima have broken Duryodhana’s thigh, when it was against the rules to strike below the waist? Yudhisthira and Balarama, who try to be good, will say ‘No, it will not be good, so it should not be done.’ But Krishna would say, ‘When Duryodhana has made his body of iorn by his mother’s boon, he must be hit where he can be defeated. If he wins, even after such a great massacre of Mahabharata, only the ungrateful person like him will sit on the throne of Hastinapur and push the society on the path of unrighteousness. It may not be good to break his thigh, but it is right. And what is right that only protects the truth.” Throughout the Mahabharata, Krishna did not try to be good anywhere, he just tried to be right. And this is also the reason for Rama’s Sita renunciation.

When some women of the kingdom started saying that ‘Our queen had stayed outside someone else’s palace for ten months, yet the king accepted her and made her queen. Therefore, if we stay for one or two nights at some other places, then no one has the right to ask questions. Our husbands also have to accept us.”, then Sita was started being blammed. As the days passed, this thing got spread and the men of the state also started hating Queen Sita, because of whom their wives were becoming outlaw. When Rama came to know this, it was only a matter of concern for King Rama, but for Sita’s lover Rama, it was a heartbreaking treat. Sita, who remained in Ravana’s captivity for ten months, did not even let Ravana touch her, who kept Ravana away from the divinity of her love to Rama, is not only being questioned for sanctity, but also being used to commit adultery in her name. Now from here, let us assume that if Rama did not abandon Sita and kept her as queen, what would have happened? 

This perversion mass adultery would spread in the society and Sita’s example would be presented in its defense. The entire society would be surrounded in the perversion of adultery and would be destroyed in a mutual struggle for women. Any society in the past with accepted notions of free sex has been destroyed in bloodshed between men for women. That would be fate of Ayodhya too. And Sita would have been the ambassador of this entire distorted picture. Despite not being true, that day Sita would have proved unholy and characterless, because only then did she allow the whole society to be vanished behind such perversion. Today we would read about one such Sita in the Ramayana, who lost her purity in the captivity of Ravana and then encouraged the whole society to become such by becoming a queen. If Sita was not renunciated, today she would have been a stigma instead of an ideal for us, despite being innocent.

Both Rama and Sita were human beings of Vishnu consciousness. They knew this forward-looking picture. Both of them knew that now there is only one way to save the sanctity and prestige of Sita – that Rama and Sita who are one with the soul, should separate from the physical body. Their physical body was the only materialistic substance on the whole earth that had given them shelter, relief and peace from all those worldly pain. Now they had to give up that material object too and be spiritually attached to each other’s soul every moment. 

After all, this decision was taken. This decision was not the decision of any king and queen, nor of any social husband and wife. This decision was the decision of two lovers who had been succeeded to become husband and wife as well as king and queen. Now, all they had to do was become lovers again and relinquish the benefits of the other two relations. And they gave up these benefits. This decision was taken between two lovers in the bedroom, but it was implemented by King Rama to exemplify the lust-affected people to maintain their integrity. “Sita should be left forever near a hermitage in the forest. She can no longer be the queen of Ayodhya.” A man left the only precious thing in his life with these words, and with an act of a king. And for what? To prevent the society from going the path of wrongdoing. To stop the society from leaving its lust open using the name of Sita. To save his love from slander and slander of ages, a lover took the stigma of sacrificing his holy wife on himself, for ages.

Sita spent life in an ashram of Rishi amd Rama spent life with biting facilities of palace in absense of Sita and with responsibilities of the king. Neither of them even think of the other person, second marriage. Sita kept sleeping in the ashram and Rama slept on the floor in the palace, both remembering each other moment by moment. And when Sita penetrated in the earth as the final test, her holiness was protected forever. Ayodhya people were stigmatized and Sita became a goddess. Rama and Sita’s personal decision to abandon each other proved successful. But the stigma of leaving the holy wife on the forehead of Rama is still present in the group of men and women, holding the flag of women empowerment, and also in some foolish, semi-knowledgeable and conspiratorial people who cannot understand love. There is also a lot of blind rage among those who defend Rama, who do not want to hear anything against Rama, while some people are with an orthodox male mentality who still believe in the test of women’s purity. This article has been written for all those people of both the sides.

What Rama and Sita decided that can be done by only those lovers whose souls are connected from ages. If there were a common earthly husband and wife, then in that situation, either the husband would keep his wife’s body with him to use for sex, and let society commit wrongdoing in the name of his wife, which ultimately led to proof of accusation against his wife, or the husband would leave that wife and after some time would get married to another woman. The so-called intellectuals who criticise Rama should note that Rama did not do either of these two. Rama did not try to look good, which every common human does. Rama tried to be right. He did what was right. And with that great decision of human history, Rama not only saved the society from going on the path of unrighteousness, but also secured the reputation of his beloved Sita forever. But his own reputation is stained in this work. Perhaps Sita will have to repay this debt of Rama in another birth and do some work for Rama in which instead of looking good, it would be necessary to do what is right.

July 17 / 2020 / On Facebook / Subject: Spirituality & Self Realizations

Every life earns the same end as it has been lived

In December 2012, when I was at Belur Math to test my ascetic life, Swami Atmapriyanandji, a hermit there, summed up his advise by saying, ‘After enlightenment, what is the world and what is the asceticism? If the mind can remain self aware, then what is the use of leaving the world? And if the mind cannot remain self aware, then what sannyasa can give us?’ Those words gave me some real strength to return to materialistic world. But the day I left Belur in January 2013, I stored this picture in my phone from the internet. The picture I posted here. I returned home and got engaged the same year. But seeing this picture, I used to give myself the relief from time to time that one day when all the worldly tasks are completed, I will shift to such a place and spend time in meditation and leave the body voluntarily with conscious mind. But now slowly what Swami Atmapriyanandji said is coming to my self-realization.

The same conclusion that if the years in practical world are not spent with self awareness, then in the end going to a beautiful and peaceful place will give no peace inside. If life today seems so calm and meditative by watching to this pic, then and then only it will seem so in the last days. If the worldly work is not done with the same self awareness as Rama and Krishna had, where every success and failure is considered as a game and you are able to meditate with opened eyes in the midst of a crowd, then even in such a quiet place, the mind wanders in the restless shadows of the past. So for a self-realized person, the practical world is a bigger school than sannyasa. The constant trials and loneliness in the world make a hermit sage a Vishnu. And only such a Vishnu can finally detach himself from the world like a sage, and leave the body with the enlightened mind.

So you get the same way of death as you live your life. He who lives as a materialist eventually dies with the restlessness and urgency of a materialist. He who lives by becoming a hard worker also dies while working hard for some and some reason. He who lives as a slave dies as a slave. The one who lives with duplicity dies in attepmts to maintain the duplicity. The wise man dies with knowledge, the devotee dies with devotion. And the self realised man leaves the body by meditating in the soul. It doesn’t matter what the location of death is. The importance lies in our inner state, not in location of death. Every life earns the same end as it has been lived. You can’t change anything in the end. You can just change the external environment. The internal environment of a person remains the same as it has been inside for a lifetime. So how many people came in your funeral after your death does not determine the value of your life. People who have laughed duplicately in front of you all their lives come to cry duplicately after your death. So that when they will die, the others will come after him to weep. It is an insurance to be in the crowd of the society, where people pay their premiums by attending the funerals. Some traders and leaders come to funerals to secure their trade and votes. So if this circus is closing because of Covid-19, it’s fun to keep it closed.

The point at last is again that how you die doesn’t matter at all. How you lived is important. How you lived; becoming a warrior of truth or a slave of lie? That only determines the meaning of both your life and death.

January 31 / 2022 / On Facebook / Subject: Spirituality & Self Realizations

Significance of a Self Realized Person in Practical World

Question: How is it possible to live in this fake world after self-realization? When a man realizes that all this is a duplicity, then to live among those ignorants by behaving like them, isn’t it painful and miserable? 
– Dr. Venu Shah

Answer (Dr. Kaushik Chaudhary): The reality is the opposite. If you are truthful and natural, but not self-realized, it is very difficult to live in this manipulative and duplicate world. From time to time you are deceived and terribly hurt. But if you know the whole truth of the world and the journey behind you, then that false world does not remain fake for you. Now, you know what it is and what it will do? The time will come when those people will deceive you, but you will not be offended by it, because you know that they will do the same. Unless those people become completely pious and committed to karma only for the sake of truth, you will be ready for all their perversions (which is called ‘skhalanas’). When those people won’t be able to hurt you by cheating on you, they will be felt hurt themselves. Then they will feel cheated. In their own mind they will begin to feel that their own soul has fallen. You will act as a mirror, a mirror for them in between the practical world, called ‘Samsara’. This is the biggest significance in the world of a self-aware man. Trouble or sorrow for you as a self-realized man in this whole thing is only when you expect those fallen and false people to do righteous deeds. Don’t do it. Just remain aware every time, and respond them accordingly.

Worldly transactions are similar to the ATM transactions. The balance is within, but you can transact as much as you need and only when you need it. Such a self-aware man lives in the midst of the world, by knowing the truth, and transects only when it is needed, where it is needed and the way it is needed. He does not forget the ultimate truth that these are people all pieces of the same Brahm, the cosmic energy, made degenerate due to sensual selfishness and ego. He does not hate anyone on the inside, but he maintains his transactions firmly towards the truth. After Krishna cut off Shishupal’s head, the soul of Jaya who was the gatekeeper of Vishnu in Vaikuntha came out from Shishupal’s dead body. Krishna’s face turned loving upon seeing Jaya. Jaya bowed to him with love and devotion. Krishna said to him as a father say to his child, ‘The curse is over. Go back to Vaikuntha. Watch it at the gate. I will come back after completing the work.’ Jaya nodded with love full tears and headed for Vaikuntha. It was the same Jaya who a few moments ago was hating and slagging Krishna as Shishupal. And the Krishna who was blessing him like a father was the same who had cut his head a moment ago. This is the practical world for a self aware person. This is how he do transactions with the ignorant people in the world.

May 09 / 2022 / On Fecebook​ / Subject: Indian Religion

My Patriotism: Bharat-Bhakti, Not Desh-Bhakti

As time goes on, you understand yourself even more. At a recent event, I was introduced with these praiseful words, “We know, Kaushikji is a very patriotic man.”  But instead of being happy to hear this, I became restless.  I felt like it was a lie, or at least a half truth. Suddenly my mind began to search for the reason behind this restless feeling, and began to self-examine very hard for which it is accustomed. By the time the mic got my hands on it, my mind had figured out the cause of the restlessness. I said, ‘As far as patriotism is concerned, it is wrong to say that I am a patriot. I am not a patriot. They are found in every country. I am a devotee of India.’


Even if I had been born in another country, I would have reached to a point where I would have started devoting India that is Bharat. Bharata is the civilization that tells humanity the reason for its existence and makes it feel the path to follow the reason. If you are born as a human being on this earth, and have thought about the reason and the significance of the human existence, then following that thought will finally put you in the position of becoming a lover of India. Born in any country on earth, a human being who follows this thought eventually becomes a devotee of India. All human beings who do not follow this thought become patriots. Patriotism is the product of selfishness and ego. A country is ‘mine’ and so it is great, for that I would be ready to be killed and even to kill. In this situation, an Indian, a Pakistani, a Russian, an American, a Chinese, a German, an Ukrainian or a Korean – all become the same. The history of the world for the last one and a half hundred years is the history of wars between all these patriots. I am not a Desh-bhakt (patriot), I am a Bharat-Bhakt (devotee of India). I am fighting to maintain the inheritance of spirituality and humanity for the future generations of the human race. I have no fear, where I will be born again.  Because I know, wherever I will be born, when I will go out in search of the truth, I will be reached to the point worshiping India.